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coolquiz / qoolquiz 為什麼這麼多人玩

我真係唔明,點解寫個program 咁X 流, 都咁X 多人信? 攞你FACEBOOK PROFILE, 怕profile 有保安, 再直接攞埋你個名, 攞埋你生日日期... 有你EMAIL, 你知唔知可以做好多事? 佢同一間公司, 透過唔到program 問你三十次唔同問題, 你不如直接除哂自己D 底衫褲比人哂? 你唔好以為你自己事, 你個FRIEND LIST 都會SEND 出... ============================================= QooLQuiz will receive: your public profile, friend list and email address ============================================== 係backend, 佢自己sell 佢自己公司個APP, 佢自己咁寫 "export personal data obtained through the quiz" 呢個功能, 直接把你的個人資料從系統中滙出. Monitor and export your data Monitor your quizzes and Facebook quizzes, download a report of all your results and export personal data obtained through the quiz or survey directly to your CRM or to a MailChimp list. https://www.cool-tabs.com/en/applications/cool-quiz# 唔只, 可能佢知佢自己個名臭, 佢地仲有抺走自己 coolquiz 的white label version available, 等TARGET用佢地個陷阱時, 減低警覺性. The White Label option of Cool Quiz allows you to include an opinion survey or quiz on your web in white label ver